Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stepping into the 21st Century

Well, here I am. Got both feet planted in the 21st Century. In all actuality, for a long time I really didn't think I was going to make it this far. I really don't have an inkling what's going to happen here. Just hold on tight while I navigate this tug into waters that we all can appreciate.  Really, I don't know why I started this other than I felt guilty because I was reading someone's blog and I didn't have one for others to read.

 So ... check back again tomorrow. Maybe by then I will have come up with some ideas. I'd ask you for ideas but first of all this is My Blog and I'll do what I want to. [raspberry] Secondly, I doubt anyone is reading this anyway. [frown]

Stay Gay, Stay Straight, whatever's floating you boat!
