Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm Scared

Well, here I am again, sitting here wondering what the hell to do. I feel so out of place in this century. Kind of funny though, because I've been in love with the PC since they first arrived on the scene. But I was already an adult by then and I didn't have all this internet stuff growing up. I was forced to use my imagination, outdoors of all places, in the woods even!! Well, the woods were rather fun. Ever run naked in the woods :)) But I digress - I've even been on twitter for a few days now and haven't done one damn tweet yet! I'm scared!! Been on YouTube for a long, long time, think I've done any videos yet? I'm scared!! I did get some photos posted to flickr though. Flickr is for my xxx stuff (blush), my G stuff is already up on FaceBook. Not Scared!!

Its been a pretty routine day. Mood is good, even with the insomnia beast sneaking around the apartment. Dog is sound asleep (good thing she doesn't have insomnia, too)!! Did spend all morning at the clinic getting my pre-op crap taken care of for my next cysto - you know, blood draw, piss in a cup, EKG, chest x-rays, consult with the anesthesiologist, consult with the nurse - crap, crap, crap :(  If you don't know what a cysto (cystoscopy) is - they stick a tube with a camera on it into the urethra, all the way into the bladder and take a looky-looky to see if anything strange is growing in there. YUK!! Believe me, I make damn sure they have me numbed up pretty damn good before going in. I'm totally awake for the procedure, but if they find something that doesn't belong and need to take it out (with a steam shovel located beside the camera) then they give me a spinal and send me off into twilight land. Sounds like fun, huh!?! Certainly no "fun" for jimmy for a few days after :(!! Oh, and if they do shovel something out of me, I end up with a freakin' catheter bag strapped to my freakin' leg for a freakin' week!! Now that's FUN!! NOT

Now that I've completely grossed you out, I'll say good-bye. Might write more later, might not.

Stay gay, stay str8, whatever's floating your boat - but definitely Play Safe!!


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